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December Birthstone – Tanzanite | Meaning, Uses, And Healing Properties

One of December’s birthstones is Tanzanite – a beautiful blue-purple gemstone that is said to have healing properties. Here, we’ll look at what Tanzanite means, its different uses, and how it can benefit your health. So if you’re looking for something special to add to your jewelry collection or want to learn more about this amazing gemstone, read on!

What Is Tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a blue and violet gemstone that occurs as the mineral zoisite. It contains small amounts of vanadium, which causes its beautiful coloration. Tanzanite belongs to the epidote mineral group and can only be found in one place on earth: Simanjiro District in Tanzania’s Manyara Region, near the Mererani Hills.


What is the natural color of Tanzanite?

The natural color of Tanzanite is a deep violet blue. It can also be found in shades of purple, lavender, and sometimes even green. Its blue hue intensifies when exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light.

Physical Properties Of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a beautiful gemstone because of its many physical properties.

Physical Properties Of Tanzanite

1. Composition – Tanzanite is composed of calcium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.

2. Hardness – Tanzanite has a hardness rating of 6.5 on the Mohs scale.

3. Specific Gravity – Tanzanite has a specific gravity of 3.10–3.38, making it relatively light for a gemstone.

4. Refractive Index – Tanzanite has a refractive index of 1.69–1.70, which is higher than other stones, such as tourmaline and quartz.

5. Thermal Conductivity – Tanzanite is known for its excellent thermal conductivity, which helps to keep it cool even in hot weather.

6. Cleavage – Tanzanite has perfect cleavage in two directions.

7. Transparency – Tanzanite is transparent, making it ideal for use in jewelry.

8. Streak – Tanzanite has a white streak.

9. Fracture – Tanzanite has a conchoidal fracture.

10. Lustre – Tanzanite has a vitreous to sub-adamantine lustre.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Tanzanite

In addition to its physical properties, Tanzanite is also believed to possess a variety of metaphysical healing properties. These include:

1. Protection

Tanzanite is said to protect the wearer from physical and emotional harm.


2. Emotional Balance

Tanzanite can help to bring balance to emotions, allowing for calmness and tranquility in times of stress or conflict.

Emotional Balance

3. Insight

Tanzanite is believed to enhance one’s ability to gain new insights and clarity.

4. Spiritual Growth

Tanzanite promotes spiritual growth by helping open the mind, body, and soul to new possibilities.

Spiritual Growth

5. Abundance

Wearing Tanzanite is believed to bring abundance in all areas of life.


6. Creativity

This gemstone can help to spark creativity and imagination.

7. Love

Tanzanite is believed to promote unconditional love and attract positive relationships.


How To Use Tanzanite?

There are many ways to use Tanzanite’s energies in your life. For example:

How To Use Tanzanite?

1. Wear it as jewelry.

Wearing Tanzanite as a necklace or ring can help to bring its energies into your life.

2. Place it in your home.

Placing Tanzanite in various places around your home, such as the bedroom, living room, or even near the front door, can help to bring positivity and protection to your space.

3. Meditate with it.

Holding Tanzanite during meditation can help to bring clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.

4. Create an elixir.

Making a Tanzanite elixir by placing the stone in water overnight is believed to bring abundance, creativity, and love into your life.

5. Use it for self-care.

Tanzanite is an excellent stone for self-care as its energies can help bring balance, peace, and relaxation.

How To Cleanse Tanzanite?

It’s important to cleanse Tanzanite regularly to keep its energies strong and vibrant. There are a few simple ways you can do this:

1. Smudging

Smudging with a white sage or cedar bundle can help to cleanse the stone as well as your space.


2. Moonlight

Placing Tanzanite outside during a full moon is believed to revitalize its energies.


3. Sound Bowls

Using sound bowls such as singing bowls, tingshas bells can help to cleanse the stone and restore its vibrancy.

Sound Bowls

4. Selenite

Placing Tanzanite with a piece of selenite for 24 hours is believed to restore its energies.

5. SaltWater

Soaking the stone in salt water overnight can help to cleanse and energize it.


6. Reiki

Using reiki energy to cleanse Tanzanite can help to clear its energies and restore balance.


7. Visualization

Visualizing a bright white light surrounding the stone is believed to help cleanse it of any negative or stagnant energy.

8. Intention

Setting an intention for cleansing the stone can help to direct its energies in a positive direction.

By cleansing Tanzanite regularly, you can ensure that its healing properties will remain strong and vibrant. This precious gemstone is thought to bring abundance, protection, emotional balance, insight, spiritual growth, and love into your life – making it an invaluable asset!

The Magical Powers Of Tanzanite

In addition to its physical and metaphysical properties, Tanzanite is believed to possess a variety of magical powers. These include:

The Magical Powers Of Tanzanite

1. Clairvoyance

Tanzanite is believed to help the wearer gain insight into current and future events.

2. Divination

This gemstone can be used for divination when paired with Tarot cards or other forms of divination.

3. Psychic Communication

Wearing Tanzanite is thought to help promote psychic communication and spiritual communication with the divine.

4. Protection

Tanzanite is believed to absorb negative energy and provide protection against harm or danger.

5. Dream Work

Using this stone during dream work can help bring clarity and understanding to dreams and reveal hidden messages from the subconscious.

6. Manifestation

Wearing Tanzanite can help to manifest positive intentions and desires.

7. Spiritual Growth

Tanzanite is believed to aid in spiritual growth and progression, allowing the wearer to access the higher realms of consciousness.

No matter what your goals or aspirations may be, Tanzanite’s magical powers can help you get closer to achieving them. This precious gemstone is a versatile and powerful tool that can be used in many ways. With dedication, patience, and practice, you will soon start to notice the profound effects of this magical stone!

Where should I place my Tanzanite crystal?

Tanzanite is best placed in the area of your home that corresponds to the Third Eye Chakra or where you spend most of your time. You can also place it on an altar or near you while meditating. Tanzanite can also be placed in a pocket or carried with you throughout the day if desired. This will help to keep its energies close and give you a sense of protection.

Where should I place my Tanzanite crystal?

When working with Tanzanite, it’s important to remember that this powerful crystal should be used responsibly and with respect. By setting clear intentions and focusing on positive energy, you can ensure that your time with Tanzanite is both beneficial and enjoyable. With dedication and practice, you will soon reap this magnificent crystal’s amazing benefits!

Other Tanzanite Varieties

The jewel tanzanite is only found in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, and there are no species or varieties. To achieve the perpetual azure color that this gem is admired for, most Tanzanite goes through a heating process to brownish crystals.


Is tanzanite stone an expensive stone?

Yes, Tanzanite is one of the most valuable gemstones on the market today. This is due to the scarcity of Tanzanite itself; it is only found in one area of the world, making it a very rare gemstone. The price per carat for Tanzanite ranges between $100 and $800, depending on quality.

What makes Tanzanite so unique?

Tanzanite is thought to be 1000 times rarer than diamonds. The main reason is that it’s only found in one very small area on the planet. This gemstone was created millions of years ago by a tectonic shift – the same event that created Mount Kilimanjaro and the Great Rift Valley of Tanzania.

Is Tanzanite a natural gemstone?

Tanzanite is a precious gemstone that isn’t appreciated enough for its scarcity.


Tanzanite is a unique and beautiful Gemstone. It has many different uses, depending on what you are looking for. Tanzanite can be used for physical and metaphysical purposes. If you are interested in using Tanzanite for its healing properties, there are many ways to do so. You can wear it as jewelry, carry it with you, or meditate. Tanzanite is a powerful stone that can help you achieve your goals. Do you have any experience with Tanzanite? Let us know in the comments below!


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