Do you ever feel like you could use a bit of extra wisdom and healing knowledge? That’s where the guardian angel Hahasiah comes in! Known for supporting seekers of truth, angel Hahasiah is said to be a spirit guide sent from Heaven to help lend aid, comfort, and guidance.
Make more informed choices regarding uplifting and noble gestures, health matters, financial issues, relationships, career paths, and beyond. Read on for everything you need to know about the power of using your own Guardian Angel’s special universal medicine knowledge!
Who Is Guardian Angel Hahasiah?
For those people born between December 3 and 7, your guardian angel is Hahasiah. Belonging to the sign of Sagittarius, angel of Philosopher’s Stone this female spirit is linked with the gift of medicinal knowledge, true healing, equipping you with a natural aptitude for understanding and drawing insights from many areas.
A powerful entity coming straight from above who offers her divine presence wherever needed – a celestial being that derives her name, “hidden God,” from her mysterious origins. Who wouldn’t want to receive blessings and convivial spirit from such a deity?
She’s the celestial being possessing a unique combination of energies governed by both Venus and Jupiter. With this constellation of elements combined, her symbol is Fire – representing creativity, transformation, and growth. Those who have Hahasiah as their Guardian Angel are often thought to be highly perceptive people who take a proactive, procuring admiration and reliable approach to manifesting their dreams by true authority.
The Characteristics Of Hahasiah Guardian Angel
When it comes to the characteristics of Hahasiah guardian angel, many people find that she brings many positive qualities and divine traits. Not only is she said to bring us protection from danger, but she also lends us emotional strength during difficult times.
Virtues And Powers
Knowledge and Premonitions – As we’ve discussed, Hahasiah possesses impressive knowledge the power of medicinal knowledge and esoteric knowledge. This means she can help us understand physical and psychological ailments more deeply, providing insight into how to make decisions about our health effectively.
Life Mission – Those under the guidance of Hahasiah are thought to have a life own mission involving helping others in need. She’s often seen as an angel of mercy, assisting those who feel totally identified stuck in patterns of self-sabotage and unhealthy behavior.
Health and Healing – With her divine understanding of the soul and physical body, Hahasiah is said to be a powerful ally in healing. She can provide aid from medical profession and beyond what universal medicine offers, universal remedies drawing from spiritual knowledge that most of us know nothing about.
Hahasiah’s element is fire – a symbol of creativity and transformation. Those who receive her blessing often have the power to break through obstacles, turn their dreams into reality, and manifest greatness in all its forms.
Netzach – This Sefirot is linked to feeling, imagination, and emotions. For those under the guidance of Hahasiah, Netzach is said to bring clarity and understanding when it comes to making informed decisions around relationships and balancing our energy and consider to be the true magician.
Haniel – This Archangel is linked with the Moon and is said to bring us closer to our divine feminine energies. With her help, we can find inner peace and develop a deeper connection with our spiritual selves.
Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Blue and Green Fluorite, Opal, Sapphire, Peridot
Venus – The planet of love and beauty, Venus helps us reach a deeper understanding of our relationships and how we express ourselves.
Jupiter – The planet of optimism, Jupiter encourages us to unleash our potential and seek out experiences that will help us grow.
Why should you call Hahasiah?
Calling upon your guardian angel Hahasiah can help give you the self-confidence, trust, and intuition you need to overcome life’s obstacles. She brings knowledge to you, stimulating an interest in the sciences and a forgiving spirit.
On top of that, her healing power may come as a hidden boon should you be facing a surgical operation or chronic pain in the physical world. And if someone else needs aid, her presence can help alleviate their affliction while allowing you to grow in understanding of others and become more selfless.
Angel Hahasiah Provides
Protection from physical, spiritual, and mental harm – With her strong presence, Hahasiah is said to be a powerful protector. She can help us stay out of harm’s way and persevere through difficult times.
Insight into one’s purpose in life and the courage to pursue it – Hahasiah can help us get in touch with our higher selves and gain clarity on our life purpose. With her support, we can be brave enough to pursue our dreams without fear of failure.
A greater understanding of the spiritual realm – With her help, we can better understand it and our place within it. We can gain insight into how to use this knowledge to our advantage and how to connect with other realms of existence in good faith.
Guidance on finding inner peace and balance – Hahasiah is said to provide insight into how we can find inner peace and balance in our lives. With her help, we can develop a deeper connection with ourselves.
What to ask angel Hahasiah?
Calling on angel Hahasiah for help can provide the answers to questions or help with many situations. No matter what it is, from improving understanding and listening skills to conveying warmth and closeness to your family, Hahasiah has the answer.
What’s more, she is especially useful when physical pain is a problem. You may seek her assistance for ulcers, vertebrae or lumbar pain. Lastly, seeking guidance from angel Hahasiah and praying for her aid in helping people heal spiritually provides great peace of mind and comfort that all will be taken care of by her.
How to call Guardian Hahasiah?
According to Spiritual traditions, when you seek spiritual guidance from your trusted Guardian Angel, the best time to call upon them is during their regency hours. For instance, on February 27, May 11, July 25, October 7, and December 18, Hahasiah’s regency hours are between 16:40 and 17:00.
To aid in your communication and connection with your Guardian Angel Hahasiah during this time frame, it is recommended to have incense such as Sandalwood and Benzoin burning while saying biblical expression praying. To achieve the most effective results during these spiritual practices, make certain to follow any further directions given by your inner wisdom or true self.
How does the presence of guardian angel Hahasiah help us?
The presence of guardian angel Hahasiah helps us by connecting us with our own inner strength and intuition, providing inspiration and comfort, and offering divine protection from any harm or negative influence.
Why Hahasiah is the Angel of Universal Medicine?
Hahasiah is known as the Angel of Universal Medicine because he is believed to possess the power to heal all illnesses and afflictions, both physical and spiritual. This angel is said to bring comfort and solace to those who are suffering, and can help individuals connect with the divine energy that promotes health and well-being.
Calling upon your Guardian Angel Hahasiah can be a powerful way to receive guidance and support in all areas of your life. If you are feeling lost, confused, or need help with making an important decision, don’t hesitate to call on Hahasiah for assistance.
He is known as the angel of wisdom and knowledge, so he can provide you with insights that will help you move forward with confidence. Additionally, Hahasiah also oversees healing and medicinal knowledge and medical professions, so if you are suffering from an illness or injury, he may be able to help speed up your healing process. Learning who your Guardian Angels are and calling upon them when needed can be incredibly empowering and helpful! Have you ever called on Hahasiah for guidance?